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The Verbania Editoria & Giardini Prize

In 2006, Editoria e Giardini   created a prize called “Verbania Editoria & Giardini”, to be awarded to unpublished   university theses on arguments linked to the themes of the garden and landscapes.

The prize, as well as giving public recognizing to the value of the selected work, involves its publication to make it available to a wider reading public.


The winner of the first edition 2006 was Dr. Margherita Zalum’s thesis entitled "Il piacere nel specolare la diversità di fiori”. Passione e cultura dei fiori tra Firenze e Roma nel XVI e XVII secolo". (Translation of the Italian title: “The pleasure of observing the diversity of flowers. The Passion and culture of flowers between Florence and Rome”). This was a Research thesis discussed at the Department of the History of Art , Università degli Studi di Pisa. Doctorate in Artistic and architectural heritage, history, critique and conservation. Supervisor: Prof.ssa Lucia Tongiorgi Tomasi.

From this thesis came the volume “Passione e cultura dei fiori tra Firenze e Roma nei XVI e XVII secolo”, published by the Editor Casa Editrice L. O. Olschki, Florence  in  2008.


Winner of the second edition of the prize in 2009 was Dr. Rita Panattoni’s thesis entitled “Viaggio nella storia della tenuta di San Rossore: un paesaggio naturale e insieme costruito”. (Translation of the Italian title: “Journey into the history of the San Rossore estate: a natural and mand-made envrionment”).
Doctoral thesis at the Università degli Studi di Firenze. School of specialisation in Historical Anaysis and Evaluation of the Architectural and Environmental Heritage.  Supervisor Prof.ssa Giuseppina Carla Romby.

From this thesis came the volume “San Rossore nella storia: un paesaggio naturale e costruito” by  Rita Panattoni, with an Italian text by Fabio Garbari on  “L’evoluzione del paesaggio vegetale in San Rossore”,(The evolution of the vegetative landscape at San Rossore”) published by Casa Editrice Leo S. Olschki, Firenze, 2010.

For the moment, the prize has been temporarily suspended.